Layer related Commands

Layer related Commands


Creates a new layer with the name "name".

May raise ValueError if the layer name isn't acceptable.


Deletes the layer with the name "layer". Nothing happens if the layer doesn't exists or if it's the only layer in the document.

May raise NotFoundError if the layer can't be found. May raise ValueError if the layer name isn't acceptable.

getActiveLayer() -> string

Returns the name of the current active layer.

getLayers() -> list

Returns a list with the names of all defined layers.

isLayerPrintable("layer") -> bool

Returns wether the layer "layer" is printable or not, a value of True means that the layer "layer" can be printed, a value of False means that printing the layer "layer" is disabled.

May raise NotFoundError if the layer can't be found. May raise ValueError if the layer name isn't acceptable.

isLayerVisible("layer") -> bool

Returns wether the Layer "layer" is visible or not, a value of True means that the layer "layer" is visible, a value of False means that the layer "layer" is invisible.

May raise NotFoundError if the layer can't be found. May raise ValueError if the layer name isn't acceptable.

sentToLayer("layer" [, "name"])

Sends the object "name" to the layer "layer". The layer must exist. If "name" is not given the currently selected item is used.

May raise NotFoundError if the layer can't be found. May raise ValueError if the layer name isn't acceptable.


Sets the active layer to the layer named "name".

May raise NotFoundError if the layer can't be found. May raise ValueError if the layer name isn't acceptable.

setLayerPrintable("layer", printable)

Sets the layer "layer" to be printable or not. If is the printable set to false the layer won't be printed.

May raise NotFoundError if the layer can't be found. May raise ValueError if the layer name isn't acceptable.

setLayerVisible("layer", visible)

Sets the layer "layer" to be visible or not. If is the visible set to false the layer is invisible.

May raise NotFoundError if the layer can't be found. May raise ValueError if the layer name isn't acceptable.